Trauma-Informed one-on-one Coaching for Women Raised by Emotionally Immature Parents
Authentic Healing for Daughters of Emotionally Immature Parents
Authentic Reclamation is a trauma-informed coaching program dedicated to women who grew up with emotionally immature mothers. This transformative journey blends mindset coaching with spiritual guidance, empowering you to heal from your childhood experiences, manage anxiety, and forge a path to your most authentic self.

You’ve done inner work, have grown a lot as a person, but still find these nagging anxious thoughts & feelings that won’t seem to release their grip & you know your upbringing has something to do with it.
Here are 5 signs you may be in this place...
You feel anxious and lack confidence to make meaningful changes in your life. You’re not living in alignment with your authentic self despite desperately wishing to break free from who you were conditioned to be by your emotionally immature parent(s). You struggle with thought rumination and overthinking about what other people are thinking, rarely stopping to ask yourself what YOU think or how YOU feel.
You feel like you’ve processed your childhood and continue experiencing anxiety and stress around managing relationships with your emotionally immature (EI) family member(s). You’re somewhat aware that you’re showing up in ways that you were conditioned to by your EI parents, and want to figure out how to ditch the role self and become your TRUE self, unapologetically
You may struggle with romantic relationships, boundaries, people pleasing, and have difficulty navigating interpersonal dilemmas and making wise mind choices in the context of relationships. People generally tend to like you, but you never feel quite at peace around them. You’re always a little on guard or unsure of others.
You work hard, maybe too much, and don’t know how to manage all of the demands on you. You feel you’re always making adjustments to suit the needs of others and the demands of the environment
You’re a spiritual being, or spiritually curious, and are ready to incorporate spirituality into your lifestyle, but are unsure of where to begin or how. You’re not sure when your emotions and past experiences are clouding your judgment or when your intuition is clearly trying to tell you something. Sometimes, your thoughts and emotions are so loud, you’re unable to hear your intuition’s whispers.

You’ve already tried many different forms of inner work, but you need something new & unique to help you truly transform & level up
? Traditional psychotherapy - you have / currently participate in psychotherapy, where you feel you’ve processed much of your upbringing, but talking about it or trying to change your thought patterns hasn’t gotten you closer to aligning with your most authentic self. You need a hands on, integrated coaching experience with a healer who can facilitate practical exercises to target specific problem behaviors and combine spirituality in your work together, ensuring your unique soul’s blueprint is honored and deeper clarity is discovered.
? Self-help - you’re introspective, adaptable, and open to try new things that can help you along your healing journey. The information you’re learning isn’t cutting it. You need guidance navigating the sea of information and figuring out how it applies to you, how to apply it to your life, and how to make bigger changes in your life.
? Psychic and Astrology readings - you enjoy receiving readings and sometimes feel like you hear something helpful, but generally forget specific messages, leave wanting more, and still feel lost. You may even be leaning into spirituality hoping it will solve your problems, but continue feeling anxious and unsure of yourself, continuing doing the same patterns and encountering the same problems. You feel like you aren’t the one with access to your soul’s wisdom, and it’s time for you to learn how to access your soul’s wisdom without needing to pay for readings.
? Other coaching programs - you’ve tried other coaches products or services, but need someone who’s educated & trained with a background in psychotherapy, mental health, AND spirituality. Other coaches may be too surface level, misread you, under-deliver on their products & services.
The truth is, few coaches have a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling with years as a psychotherapist under their belt. Even fewer coaches are trained to bridge these scientific concepts with spirituality & astrology. You need someone with the training, expertise, and personal experience to help you make shifts on a cellular level.
It's time to let go of the patterns keeping you from blossoming into your truest form and courageously step into your power.
Imagine this...
✓ Have new skills to effectively, independently, and intuitively put into practice in your real life. You know how to roll with whatever comes your way with grace & wisdom.
✓ Increased awareness & knowledge on emotionally immature parents, how you’ve been playing your Role Self, who your Authentic Self really is, and release your healing fantasies keeping you stuck.
✓ Deeper connection to your authenticity, new understanding of your past life, core wounds, and soul purpose. Finally understand what the meaning of all of this is for your unique soul.
✓ Increased connection to your intuition & self trust. No matter what happens, you remain in touch with your inner voice & hear the messages your intuition is trying to send you. This brings a new level of confidence & sense of peace.
✓ Develop values consistent action steps to take to stay in your lane (one of the most important skills) while balancing your relationships
✓ Embodied boundaries & improved relationships with the people in your life. Awareness & understanding of how to handle the difficult people in your life.

Authentic Reclamation Coaching

Authentic Reclamation is a trauma-informed coaching program dedicated to women who grew up with emotionally immature mothers. This transformative journey blends mindset coaching with spiritual guidance, empowering you to heal from your childhood experiences, manage anxiety, and forge a path to your most authentic self.
This is a 1:1 experience where you will receive practical guidance from a trauma-informed coach with extensive background and training in mental health counseling as well as astrology and spiritual practices. I will guide you to discover new ways to change your self-limiting beliefs, painful emotions and finally transform and heal from the experiences that shaped you using an integrated unique approach based on your soul’s unique blueprint.
I will teach you how to put new skills into practice in your daily life to create meaningful changes, all the while tailoring our approach using astrology and spiritual guidance based on significant placements in your birth chart that will inform us of your past life strengths and gifts, important wounds from this lifetime to transmute, and your soul purpose for this lifetime. My greatest desire for you is for you to feel like you’ve overcome your fears, shame, and limiting beliefs, can step into your most authentic self and lead the life of your dreams, and be your own gifted intuitive guiding your journey through life. The answers to all of your questions exist in you - and this coaching experience is about helping you to access them using your unique abilities and without the pain of the past interfering.
I provide hands on guidance for solving difficult problems like how to have boundaries with EI family member(s), how to identify your values & how to proceed towards them without blowing your life up, how to express yourself freely without shame or painful unintended consequences. We will get as specific as you need.
A glimpse at the personalized journey...
Explore your birth chart and learn what key placements can be communicating to you about what needs to be addressed, where your strengths lie, and gifts you’re being called to use to embody your soul’s purpose and most authentic self expression. We will assess together to get an idea of where you receive messages from the universe and aim to strengthen that line of communication. We will identify key beliefs and patterns keeping you stuck, and I will teach you new skills to put into practice in your day-to-day life to improve your ability to manage your thoughts and feelings, and better problem solve important issues in your environment.

You will learn in what ways you’ve been playing your ‘Role Self’ in life, how it’s been interfering with your goals, and better get to know and understand your ‘Authentic Self’. We will delve into your conditioning, clarify learned patterns from emotionally immature parents, and begin mindfully taking steps away from your role self and toward your authentic self. You will journey back to moments you felt most alive in your authenticity.

Ditch beliefs that were created & shaped by your emotionally immature parents about who you are based on who they needed you to be, and replace them with beliefs aligned with your authentic self based on who YOU want to be. Upgrade your identity and learn about 5D manifesting.

We will identify your values, what feels aligned to you and what doesn’t, and begin the practice of embodying boundaries accordingly. I will coach you to know how to check in with yourself and intuitively know with clarity what you are and aren’t available for, and have limits and boundaries in place for what you are not available for, to keep you feeling confident, values consistent, and aligned with your authentic self. You will create rituals that connect you to your authentic self and the Universe.

Take action by communicating limits and values to your environment through your words AND embodiment. Take values consistent action steps toward your dreams and goals. Develop plans for how to handle difficult situations in relationships, at work, etc. using interpersonal skills, mindfulness, and your spiritual practices using your unique gifts. Troubleshooting and addressing new, upgraded problems along the way with my support, but don’t be surprised if you begin feeling more confident all on your own.

What makes Allie Jayne's coaching unique?

Bridging trauma-informed coaching with spirituality (natal astrology, shamanic astrology). You want an integrated approach with someone who specializes in bridging science, evolution, and psychology with spirituality, divination, and energetics. My Scorpio moon, mercury, mars, and pluto in the 3rd house give me the gift of being unafraid to enter the depths of one’s subconscious using psychology and spirituality to help them truly transform. My libra sun, venus and jupiter in the 2nd house equips me with abilities to transcend duality and guide people through light, dark, conflict & discomfort with softness, compassion, and harmony. My Virgo rising and chiron equips me with a keen eye for anything, big or small, interfering with someone’s greater goals and patterns. My soul’s purpose in this lifetime is all about using my Scorpio, Libra, and Virgo energy to live in dedication to sacred service for The Pattern of the Universe. Key themes in my birth chart are helping, patterns, depth, harmony, and truth.
You don’t want a coach who studied psychology in undergrad/ is just interested & well read in psych concepts from doing online research, but is ultimately not equipped with the training and background that comes from a Master’s level clinician with extensive knowledge in evidence-based mental health research & studies, concepts, and newly emerging information that you can’t find on Google. You’re not looking for a therapist, but a coach with a background as a therapist who can take a grounded, practical, effective and compassionate approach to help you truly transform on a cellular level.
You’re not interested in excessive spiritual teachings and a coach who will force their own spiritual practices upon you, or a coach who isn’t grounded enough to truly see YOU and what you’re really about and needing. Maybe you’re not about the ultra woo-woo spiritual stuff. I’m not either. My approach to spirituality is unique in that it bridges science with it. I promise, spirituality can help you expand while still remaining rooted in the practical realm, and you can experience this yourself. With my training in the mental health field, I am able to bring full presence and witnessing to my clients that not many coaches bring.
You’re not here for the hyper driven, intense, gimmicky coaches who you’re not sure you can trust. Me neither. Because I hold my license as a therapist in WA, this means I will always be held to a high ethical standard, even when not providing therapy services. My coaching clients get a more ethical, trustworthy experience with me due to my credentials that don’t even apply to them!

Guided by Allie Jayne
Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Astrologer & Coach
My background as a mental health counselor offers me a unique ability to bring legitimate knowledge & practices informed by evidence & research from the psychology field at a higher level than what is accessible on the internet & in most training & coaching programs. Life coaches without this background do not have the advantage that I have in helping people create deeper, meaningful, forever changes in their inner world, lifestyle & beyond.
A large part of what I do as a therapist is coaching, so I am equipped and experienced to provide high level coaching for women looking to truly step into their power I have studied & practiced astrology & all things spirituality for over a decade. I began reading birth charts & tapping into their more intuitive elements since I was studying psychology in undergrad. Since becoming a therapist, I’ve learned & practiced many ways to bridge science & spirituality for optimum healing & growth. And, in my opinion most importantly, my spiritual teachings & practices are always ethically sourced.

Our work together will include:
• Private 1:1 guidance & coaching with me where we’ll dive into your currently lifestyle, experiences, and struggles and find ways to apply new behaviors to reduce feelings of anxiety & fear and increase self confidence & authentic self expression
• Hands on support to help you identify your values, action steps to create meaningful changes in your life, and build spiritual practices and rituals to help you get in touch with the wisdom and intuition that lives inside of you
• Natal astrology readings & guidance with shamanic astrology influence to help you better understand your Universe-given strengths, gifts, your soul’s lessons and purpose for this lifetime
• Two 60 minute sessions per month where we’ll collaborate to discuss your experiences, problem solve, troubleshoot, etc. This is where you will be assigned your exercises specific to your goals between our meetings
• Access to handouts, worksheets and exercises to reduce anxious thoughts and feelings, improve your interpersonal skills and more
This experience is for you if...

✔︎ You’re the daughter of an emotionally immature mother (& maybe father) & has processed your childhood relational trauma that occurred in your upbringing, and are now ready to step into your power & show up without fear to create the life you truly desire with no shame.
✔︎ You sometimes struggle with anxiety and it’s overall manageable (i.e. it does not keep you from being able to maintain a job, complete household tasks, take care of yourself / others you are responsible for), but you’re ready to get out of your head and become embodied as a divine, balanced feminine being who is able to surrender & trust herself.
✔︎ You’ve established some important changes in your life that have been very helpful to manage stress & anxiety, but need some help figuring out what’s missing, how to better problem solve & make tweaks to your lifestyle, systems and habits. You’re in a unique phase of your life where you’re functioning well overall, but want to grow in certain areas to better align with your most authentic self. You want to find ways to ditch your ‘role self’ and past conditioning once & for all.
✔︎ Learning & embodying boundaries is an important next step for you along your healing journey. You’re ready to figure out your values & use them to guide your decisions without fear. As you find yourself trying to improve boundaries, you’re noticing some conflict & tension showing up in relationships maybe to your own parents, in laws, other family members, partners, etc., and you would like to find new ways to manage that or reduce conflict & tension altogether.
✔︎ You’re interested in spirituality & establishing your own spiritual rituals, connection to the Universe, and using your intuition to guide you. You’d like to strengthen your relationship to the Universe and feel in flow with it. You’d like to learn about ways your birth chart offers you clues regarding your past lives, wounds from this lifetime, and soul purpose. You’re interested in learning about your unique gifts as they’re written in the stars.
✔︎ Growth, Responsibility, Learning, Authenticity &/or happiness are among your top values. You’re eager to be coached to improve habits & behaviors to make meaningful changes in your life, and see yourself as responsible for taking more intentional action.
This experience may not be for you if...

- You’ve not yet participated in / completed therapy. You may have mental health diagnoses that would be best served in a therapy setting. Your symptoms may be interfering with your ability to work, form & maintain healthy relationships, and keep up with activities of daily living.
- You’re interested in learning about the concepts I teach, but not so much in the practice. Embodiment is especially difficult for you & you’re not motivated to tackle this. You’re motivated to accumulate more knowledge
- You tend to externalize your problems - you may look to you environment to change so you can feel better, you may underestimate the difficulty of tasks, you may be actively passive
- You struggle with receiving feedback if you don’t agree with it. It’s hard to stay open minded. Though you know you need some help, when it comes down to it, you push back on experts' advice. You hate feeling challenged & are very defensive of your beliefs, even if they’re keeping you stuck
- You use escape / avoidance behavior patterns that you’re not willing/able to kick quite yet, such as addiction, self injury
- You value your feelings & wishes at the expense of your relationships. When you want something your way, you have to have it your way. You cannot see it from the other perspective & sometimes cause damage to relationships in your pursuit of getting what you want. Empathy & validating others might be hard. You become angry with them.
- You consider yourself very spiritual, but when distressed will get lots of readings & lean heavily into spirituality. You’re not interested in practicing mindfulness or doing something to change your human experience / heal your body because it’s less interesting. You’re excessively looking to the stars for answers. Your tarot cards are nearly always coming out flipped.
- You don’t have the availability & time to put new behaviors into practice & slow down enough to really focus on your growth & making changes.
Program Pricing
Authentic Reclamation Coaching is an investment in your personal transformation from your Role Self you were shaped to be by emotionally immature parents to your Authentic Self
$250 fee for an initial 60 min. session to determine / confirm goodness of fit (this will be credited to your first month's payment once enrolled)
$550 monthly fee - payments are made using an electronic payment system at the start of each monthly cycle
A 12-week commitment is required to participate in this program.
What happens in your world after you participate in Authentic Reclamation Coaching:

Less anxiety & more confidence, feeling balanced in structure & flow, trusting themselves & the universe to guide them. Better tools for managing anxiety & emotions. Less rumination & dyscontrol, more focus on the body, emotions, and attunement to your wise mind.
More energy to do the things you love, feel better doing your obligations, and more relaxation. More fun and joyful experiences, getting to live life with your eyes wide open with reduced fear & distraction from the present moment.
Stepping into your authenticity and embodying your highest self to live aligned to your true heart’s desires & goals. Feeling more autonomous, independent, and badass.
Better relationships, allowing yourself to truly experience emotional intimacy & receiving from those who care about you. Less reactivity when significant people are unhappy with you for embodying your own limits.
Awareness of your Role vs Authentic Self; ability to differentiate & troubleshoot when you feel you’ve veered back into your Role Self to step back into your Authentic Self.
Newfound awareness of aspects of your birth chart, your past life wounds & soul's purpose as written in the stars. Personal rituals for connecting to your intuition & practice your own forms of spirituality.
How do I find out if insurance will reimburse for therapy?I recommend calling the number on the back of your insurance card and asking about your out of network mental health benefits. Specifically, you might ask, “how much do you reimburse for therapy with an out of network provider?” you might get even more specific, saying “if I have an out of network therapist who charges $175 per session, how much would be reimbursed when I pay out of pocket and submit a superbill?”
What days/times do you see clients? Do you have early morning, evenings, or weekends available?I see clients Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, usually between 10am-6pm. Most of my clients have work schedules that fall during session times and utilize lunch breaks for sessions. Employers are usually very understanding if you tell them you have a weekly appointment, some people say they have a weekly medical appt, some just say they have therapy and employers do not mind granting an hour each week for this. Sometimes, clients utilize an hour of PTO each week for therapy.
Do you offer in-person or telehealth appointments?I have limited in-person appointments on Fridays located in Seattle, WA. I offer telehealth appointments on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays.
What materials will I need to participate in therapy?You will need to purchase Marsha Linehan’s “DBT Skills Training handouts and worksheets (2nd edition)”. It also is helpful to print materials I send you, so identifying ways to use a printer if you don’t own one may be helpful!
Can one-on-one DBT therapy supplement participating in a DBT program?No. A full fidelity DBT program that is in adherence to the evidence-based model created by Marsha Linehan consists of weekly group therapy, weekly individual therapy, 24/7 phone coaching, and therapists must be on a DBT consultation team where they meet weekly. If this is determined to be what is needed for your best treatment, then I will provide you resources for DBT programs to participate in.
Are weekly sessions required?Yes, especially in the first 3-6 months of treatment. Biweekly meetings are only recommended if we determine this is best for you based on my assessment, your progress, and your preference. I do not work with clients on a biweekly basis in the first 3 months of treatment, as it is not likely to be effective.
How long do people usually participate in therapy?This varies depending on many factors, and would be best discussed directly with me. Some clients graduate therapy in 3-6months, others 1-2 years, and many prefer participating in ongoing therapy for maintenance and continuing to target new problems that arise when we grow and ‘upgrade’ our problems in the process, which can look like working together for 2+ years.
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy & how does it differ from CBT?DBT is a form of CBT, I like to think of them as cousins. A key difference is that DBT balances acceptance & change in treatment, whereas CBT focuses mostly on change (such as changing your thoughts & behaviors). When Marsha was inventing DBT, she was working to create a treatment for individuals with a history of suicidal behavior, self harming behaviors, and other more 'high risk' behaviors. What she discovered was that therapy approaches that leaned heavily into acceptance (like person centered, humanistic) were not helping clients. She then moved into CBT & leaned heavier into pushing for change, and that wasn't helping either. She discovered the dialectical philosophy that finding synthesis between opposites not only was a fitting metaphor for balancing acceptance with change to help clients build their Life Worth Living, but for all elements of treatment. DBT emphasizes the importance of finding synthesis between opposites, because this is how we grow as people & where positive mental health lives - somewhere in the middle of extremes. Furthermore, DBT is a language based treatment designed to help you stay consistent & behaviorally specific, knowing independently what skills to employ when. DBT also provides many specific skills to help you replace old, ineffective behaviors with new, effective ones that will keep you on track toward your goals.
What are the DBT skills?DBT skills have 4 modules: mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance. Specific skills from specific modules are applicable in a variety of ways, depending on the problem at hand & what you need to do about it, whether that's solve the problem, change how you feel about the problem, or tolerate the problem AND how you feel about it. It's so fun - once you know the skills, it's like you establish a roadmap for exactly how you want to approach different problems life throws at you!
DBT is interesting, but it sounds super structured. Do you incorporate other techniques, or is treatment strictly DBT focused?DBT & DBT-PE are the foundations in which we are building off of in our work together, informing our supporting steps toward your goals, but it is not the sole focus or technique I utilize. I am trained in mindfulness-based counseling, attachment-based therapy, CBT, emotion focused therapy, and traditional talk therapy. I weave all of these different styles into your treatment to best suit your needs. We won't always need to be structured in our work together - my style is very balanced in this way!
I don't have a ton of understanding of emotionally immature parents & how mine impacted me, can you help with that?Absolutely. So much of our work together will include psychoeducation, processing, exploring your experiences & struggles, and finding links between your present-day symptoms, your past & your family of origin. You can be brand new to tackling this; a huge part of your time in therapy will be spent simply increasing your insight, awareness, and deepening your understanding of yourself & your experiences.
Will we only talk about stuff specific to my trauma, or can I bring day-to-day problems & other pressing issues to therapy?This is so common in the flow of therapy, especially when we're really working on targeting trauma. Day-to-day problems arise, and I typically start sessions off inquiring with you about what's on your mind & if there's any pressing matter you'd like to make sure we address. For example, if a client is in the midst of exposure protocol with me, they might come in stating 'I need help with this thing that happened / has been on my mind', and we'll prioritize that instead of continuing exposures that day. I'll be sure to tie everything together by the end of session so you still feel on track while we're focusing elsewhere!
Can I still participate in DBT-PE informed sessions if I only want to do 50 min. sessions?The short answer: Yes! The long answer: I am more than willing to do DBT-PE informed therapy in the traditional 50 min. session model. If we come to find that that is not working for you & sessions are rushed, we can discuss options in terms of session length & cost! I am very flexible with this.
If you've made it down here, then it's a sign you're in the right place…
It's in those moments where we consider leaping into our next level of growth, that our mind starts to fill with resistance (know this is completely normal & our egos trying to keep us in our comfort zone!) The truth is this decision to join isn't just about investing in a mindset coaching program, it's a lot more than that!
It's about claiming your birthright to live in alignment with your unique soul's purpose & Authentic Self - the unaltered version of yourself who you were really born to be before emotionally immature parents taught you otherwise. It's about deciding that this is the lifetime where you get to allow your magic in all of your uniqueness shine brighter than ever before. Let this be a reminder to follow the call of your inner voice because breaking the cycle & building the new habits can start right now.